Assessments in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Environment

If studying a program in the Vocational Education and Training sector you may find that things are a little different to school, university or other assessments you may have encountered in your adult life.

The major reason for this is that the assessments are based upon a competency model; aiming to determine if candidates can competently perform a skill, task or job.  This stems from the origins of the sector; which was in qualifying people to perform a task to industry standard.

This notion of preparing or qualifying people to perform workplace tasks is still the predominant focus in VET; this can be observed through the fact that each qualification is aligned to a specific occupation, for example the Diploma in Project Management aims to recognise that the holder can function as a Project Manager.

The great thing is that the standards as defined by industry- not academics and articulate the actual skills required to work effectively; so you can actually do the job, not just theoretically be able to do the job. This video explains the competency based environment quite well.

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